Opposition blaming Modi Govt for second wave of COVID-19

Demonizing Modi: An aggressive self-serving narrative by anti-India forces and woke Indian institutions

Many defunct institutions and anti-nationals of this country have suddenly become woke to preach India's central government, and Modi specifically, lessons of leadership and…

जनप्रतिनिधियों के अहंकार एवं अकर्मण्यता से संकट में घिरी जनता

सत्ता का मद और अहंकार लोकतंत्र में ज्यादा दिन तक नहीं टिकता।बेहतर होगा अपनी अपनी मांद- वातानुकूलित गुफाओं से बहार निकल जनता की सेवा…

Fault finders of Modi

Modi, has been blessed with a million fault finders. You of course, know who and what I mean when I saw that. But here…

Covid in 2021- The reality

Here’s hoping that everyone has someone to lean on or a friend to help you through this turbulent time and also hoping that you…

Covid-19 management in India: Five immediate steps

As India grapples with the stress of this health emergency, there are some strategies that could be explored culling into the competence of Make…

How much Modi/Center is to be blamed for the current state of health machinery in India?

For the past few days the opposition, left-wing intellectuals, and propagandists have risen and are spreading disinformation.

Vultures Preying over COVID Crisis: Busting the propaganda of the ecosystem

The "Ecosystem" is a complicated nexus, a part of which had been remotely exposed during the infamous toolkit episode few months ago and has…

As pandemic hits mankind in india, anti-Modi ‘vulturekinds’ are back at work

As the nation grapples with the sudden second solid wave of the pandemic, the anti-Modi vultures of India view this as a golden opportunity…

India’s second massive Covid-19 wave underscores pandemic monitoring preparedness (PMP)

Since we could not halt the second wave, we must learn lessons through its predisposing causes and act unceasingly to save many precious lives…

India’s COVID crisis: Opportunity for Rana Ayyub to spew venom against Modi, Time provides the platform

It's astonishing that how international publications allow their platforms to be used, without any iota of sanctity and neutrality, and let her run amok…