
NDTV sends investigative journalists to raid CBI as a tit-for-tat

The journalists’ team will disguise themselves as reporters from other TV channels; it is learnt by My Voice.

NDTV might or might not be innocent, but Journalism is pivotal for a democracy

A rejoinder to an article on OpIndia.com that argued that journalism was just another profession.

This is how Libtard friends of NDTV are portraying CBI raids as an attack on media

Raids should have been conducted several years ago going by the long history of the case

When “tolerant” NDTV could not tolerate IMF MD’s appreciation of Modi government’s policies

NDTV 'avoided' to show a lecture of IMF's MD, where she appreciated Modi government's fiscal and economic policies at LSRCC in 2015.

The game of one way Freedom to Dissent & the baking news

Can the liberal brigade guarantee that not one criminal caught was a son of Head Master, Daughter of Martyr, Son of a maid? Stupid…

मेरे चश्मे से ‘ऐसा’ RAMJAS दिखता है!

FoE की आड़ में शुरू हुआ वैचारिक कोहराम यहीं से राजनीतिक हो गया. छात्र राजनीति को औजार बना कर सरकार पर हल्ला-बोल शुरू हुआ.…

Do FB shares prove that media propaganda against ABVP is getting filtered out?

Every news outlet told us that Gurmehar's post has gone "viral". Every liberal on Twitter said so. But how "viral" was her post really?…

Open letter to Gurmehar Kaur

Open letter in response to Facebook Post by Gurmehar Kaur.

Republic: How 29 tweets sent a shiver in Lutyens Delhi

Republic hasn’t aired for even one second yet. The Lutyens media is screaming purely out of panic fear.

भारतीय लिबरल (उ’धा’रवादी)

देश के लिबरल्स के रवैये को देख के इन्हें उदारवादी की जगह उधारवादी कहना हीं ठीक होगा क्योंकि उनकी उदार सोच उधार मांग के…