
Identity, Citizenship and Gender

Why are women relegated to the margins of polity even though their centrality to the “nation” is constantly being reaffirmed?

What the victory of Trump means for the world politics

The Trump win has ensured the return of Right in the world's oldest democracy.

Global Indians and their discomfort with nationalism?

A critique on the phenomenon of Global Indians

अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी या देशभक्ति या कुछ और

सोशल मीडिया और न्यूज मीडिया के चक्कर में वाद-विवाद का स्तर गिरता जा रहा है

An Open Letter to an Indian Soldier

I don't want to debate nationalism, I just want to say a heartfelt 'thank you' to you.

The JNU incidence also poses some touch question to the JNU faculty

With this JNU controversy, we should not forget the role of 600 odd teachers, faculty as they are called, of JNU

Mr. Rajdeep Sardesai, will you allow dissent of employees at India Today?

Rajdeep has some tough questions to answer