
नागरिकता संशोधन अधिनियम अर्थात जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी

दूसरे अन्य धर्मों के लोगों के लिए दुनिया में आसरा लेने के लिए अनेक देश हैं, हिन्दुओं के लिए अपना कहने को कोई राष्ट्र…

ब्रिटिश चुनाव परिणाम का संदेश

यह चुनावी परिणाम साफ संकेत हैं कि बड़े-बड़े मीडिया गिरोहों, बौद्धिक संस्थानों, वामधारा से प्रदूषित अकादमिक मंचों द्वारा फैलाया गया वितण्डा एक चीज है…

How to get Citizenship, the “Lib-Secular” way

With such a lot of sophisticated methods of demanding citizenship, the Liberal-Seculars of India hope that Abdul will soon be given citizenship under the…

6 reasons why BJP will be the real winner after the Maharashtra battle

Maharashtra debacle is a setback for short-term.

Ayushman Bhavah Bharat! Modi Sarkar’s biggest game changer has turned one

As Modi Government’s flagship scheme Pradhanmantri Jan Arogya Yojana, popularly known as Ayushman Bharat turns one this month, here is how this is massively…

Kashmir; it’s all about Islam

Islam is the problem in Kashmir. Kashmir is not a political or any ideological movement.

New India; asserting its place in world

Narendra Modi, in G7 summit made it absolutely clear during his bilateral meeting with Donald Trump that his misguided attempts at mediation in the…

Politics is the skilled use of blunt weapons

History has shown that not only do political leaders survive false charges but also come back stronger

An Open Letter to Mr Rajmohan Gandhi

Liberalism is not living in denial but acceptance of reality which manifests itself in the Will of the People.

Article 370 and attempts to subvert Indian Democracy!

Article 370 has been a point of contention since its inception with Dr B R Amedkar, the chairman of the constitution drafting committee refusing…