
Mr Prime Minister needs to focus on Agriculture, Job creation and Women Safety and he will be 10/10

Condition of our food provider haven't improved in last 3 years. Suicide rate is still high almost everywhere. Unemployment is rising and it needs…

India’s indigenous liberals and their selective outrage

Media and liberals leave no stone unturned to defame Hinduism and Hindus.

When a dumb Sagarika Ghose shared a dumber article

A detailed response to Prof. Jeff Kingston for his Hinduphobic essay

क़ानून से ऊपर मीडिया की आज़ादी?

मीडिया को सरकार का पक्ष नहीं लेना चाहिए, लेकिन क्या मीडिया को सरकार विरोधी भी होना चाहिए?

Indian Diplomacy- Dynamic Shift

Significance & timing of PM Modi's visit to the 4 countries and its impact on world politics.

How Indian economy reacted during the last six months after Demonetization

Digital Economy is a wonderful move by the government. The only need of the hour is to educate people about the ease of Digital…

कुंठित समाज के द्वारा किये जा रहे निजी हमले आपको झेलने पड़ेंगे मोदी जी

चूँकि आपने प्रखर रूप से मुस्लिम महिलाओँ के अधिकारों की बात उठायी है, आपको कुंठित समाज के द्वारा किये जा रहे निजी हमले झेलने…