Narendra Modi vs Opposition

Protests: The new normal of opposition

The way things are going, left to natural unchecked progression under opposition, could lead to a civil war with no holds barred.

Is Narendra Modi taking Hindutva too far or a fabricated hoax by liberals?

What irked these pseudo-liberal politician more is that their lie got exposed to general public and their opinion has no value to them.

मोदी विरोधी मित्र को उत्तर

70 साल से जो मुद्दे नासूर बन कर हमें चुभ रहे थे उसका निवारण भी मोदी सरकार ने ही किया चाहे तो 370 हो…

मोदी को न राम से बड़ा बताया है और न ही जय श्रीराम का उदघोष साम्प्रदायिक है

हिन्दू धर्म में तुलसीदास और सूरदास जैसे कई कवियों ने भगवान कृष्ण और राम के लिये वात्सल्य भाव का प्रयोग किया है। आज भी…

PM Modi’s visit to Ladakh, opposition opposes this too!

This is the time for change, requesting all the opposition to adopt a new era of retaliation towards terrorism, infiltration, and expansions and not…

Understanding Modiphobia

Modiphobia is something which has become a mainstream school of thought, at this point of time. It has acquired a status that has turned…

The plight of non neta Modi carpers

The main problem anti modi brigade has with Modi is, Modi has redefined everything that was practiced and followed since 70 years.

Lessons from Gujarat to Delhi

The way out for BJP is to raise the stakes, on economy, on nationalism and on Hindutva.

Why BJP shall be the main stream party forever in India

Unlike arrogance of elite class and ignorance of poor class, the middle class is always progressive and nationalist voice.

Dilution of federalism must for stable India – let us embrace necessary evil to make great India

At global level and also in Indian expression ONE INDIA should be the primary and secondary identity of Indians and the nucleus of governance.