Narendra Modi govt’s tough action on terrorism

An Admirable Act by the much Adored-Prime Minister

The prime minister of the country said the soldiers’ sacrifice would not go in vain. He wanted to avenge it and he did it…

The tide is turning and how: Mahagatbhandhan can pack their bags

Thank You Pakistan. You have taught us all who we need to have as our leader. More than us, hope the Mahagatbhandhan has been…

Let us be proud of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi

PM Modi has decided to teach not only the terrorist organization but also the Pakistan for nursing terrorism and supporting cross border terrorism in…

हम घर मे घुसकर मारेंगे-यह मोदी की सरकार है

 कुछ लोग देश का खाते हैं और गीत “पाक” के गाते हैं; अब यह मक्‍कार समझ लेंगे-यह मोदी की सरकार है

Post Pulwama Attack: All things that matter

The idea of peace and 'walk the talk' by Imran already shows that Pakistan is way more afraid than India thought.

Damned if he does: Damned if he does not

This is not time for jingoistic calls. Agreed. Equally not time to be calm and resilient to indulge in Aman ki Ashas. It is…

The Indian National Congress of conspiracy theorists

When Sanjay, Indira and Rajiv Gandhi were murdered, nobody questioned any political conspiracy. Spare the nation, Congress and Liberals and dont tag this gruesome…

नए भारत का आगाज़

श के प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा है कि जवानों के खून की एक एक बूंद और हर आंख से गिरने वाले एक एक आँसू का…

Major achievements of Narendra Modi led BJP Govt in 4.5 years

A comprehensive list of all the major achievements achieved by Modi govt so far.