
The virtues of being a Muslim in India

In these testing times Temples have opened their doors and have donated several hundred crores of rupees. Minority religious institution have failed in providing…

Unfortunate and tragic death in Delhi and violent Coup-d’état of constitution by minority view

Jinnawali Azadi, La illa illah allah, 15 crore Muslim will dominate 100 crore are very insensitive statements from the minorities. Same goes for the…

“दर-अल-हरब” से “दर-अल- इस्लाम” तक: इस्लाम को अपने इन सिद्धांतों को बदलना होगा

इस्लामी धर्मशास्त्र में “दर अल-हरब” और “दर अल-इस्लाम” के मायने क्या हैं? इन शब्दों का क्या मतलब है और यह मुस्लिम राष्ट्रों और चरमपंथियों…

Constitutionality of Citizenship Amendment Act 2019

In a politically sensitive democracy like India it is important that people, without any legal awareness about the Act, simply do not exaggerate the…

नागरिकता संशोधन अधिनियम अर्थात जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी

दूसरे अन्य धर्मों के लोगों के लिए दुनिया में आसरा लेने के लिए अनेक देश हैं, हिन्दुओं के लिए अपना कहने को कोई राष्ट्र…

Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-1922)

Many nationalist leaders were planning to launch nation-wide campaign to gain independence from British while Muslim classes had other plans.

The cost of moving from an Indian concept of Dharma to a foreign concept of Secularism

Dharma is not religion specific. Its about social justice. About deciding what is right and wrong irrespective of one's religion, caste, gender, or any…

Mother proposes and son disposes: Varun Gandhi and Maneka Gandhi this election

Intervening into the all-around disapproval of the expression, as a mature politician Varun Gandhi presented himself in the respective characters of Rama and Bharat…

2019 elections – The clash of ideologies

This election is a clash between the views that "India was born in 1947" while on the other side we have the view that…

Dear PM Modi, ‘Vikas’ alone won’t win you 2019.

after the disastrous scam ridden period of INC, a full term without any major scams in itself is a big achievement