
छबील, गुरु अर्जन देव जी और मुग़ल

इतिहासकार गुरु जी के शहीद होने का कारण कुछ भी या किसी को भी बताएं, पर सच यही है की उनके बढ़ते प्रभाव और…

Has the Hindu holocaust/genocide been forgotten by modern Historians?

The History textbooks that we study in school only dedicated a few pages for the brave warriors who protected their dharma despite being put…

Like Shivaji, let Indian voters defeat the ploy of Afzal Khan in disguise, the manifesto of Congress party

If people of India believe the manifesto of congress that minimum guaranteed income of Rs.72,000/- then the victory would be of Afzal Kahan and…

Busting the TANDOORI CHICKEN myth

Undoubtedly, every non-veg Indian is a die-hard fan of Tandoori Chicken. We take pride in calling ourselves Indians when the topic of discussion is…

Frog in the boiling water: Dying Hinduism

India has been losing a part of herself, a part of her soul every time India was attacked, oppressed or Indians failed to decide.…

Open Letter to Indian parents from a veteran soldier – your children are being brainwashed

Islamisation of our kids, Lessons in History, Mahmud Ghazni Vs Prithviraj Chauhan. Stop it.

Story of Rani Karnavati of Garhwal, who cut noses of Mughal warriors

A forgotten queen, about whom our 'liberal' historians don't teach.