
UK spends US$8.5 million per day towards illegal migrants

While the citizens in the United Kingdom (UK) are suffering from an acute financial crisis and whereas many UK military families are not having…

After shattering over 10,000 migrants’ dreams and splitting families, Jacinda Ardern keeps her panic intact. Here’s how

Prime minister of New-Zealand Jacinda Ardern ordered to keep the border close due to covid-19 reasons.

Migrants crisis and need for data revolution in India

real time data base can be extremely useful at the time of war. If we know the exact number of workers we have in…

Migrant worker crisis and lessons for future

Even though govt rolled out a great help by direct bank transfer and ration to the needy, migrants could not avail them away from…

How to tackle the migrants issue

Why the hurry to ascribe something that the state/government failed at to an individual shame?

Humanitarian hand of Help

Our forefathers and constitution-makers were aware of the discriminatory approach adopted by the residents towards the migrants. That is why they explicitly mentioned that…

The return of migrants: A curse or an opportunity?

With most of the labour returning back home during this lockdown, states can seize this opportunity to roll out measures so that labour stays…