Media’s sympathy with terrorists

The Indian National Congress of conspiracy theorists

When Sanjay, Indira and Rajiv Gandhi were murdered, nobody questioned any political conspiracy. Spare the nation, Congress and Liberals and dont tag this gruesome…

Pulwama and the other threat

One thing is sure, revenge is on the plate and it will be served, whatever means or time it takes.

AMU: अलीगढ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी या आतंकी मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी?

एक तरफ पूरा देश पुलवामा में शहीद हुए सैनिकों की शहादत को याद कर रहा था वहीँ दूसरी तरफ आतंकी मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी का छात्र…

Terror – Opposition’s last resort to defeat Modi?

They want the government to act and create a war situation right before India goes for elections in April or May 2019.

हैवानियत की रेस: इंसानों की बेशर्मी देख गिद्ध भी लज्जित हुए

दो गिद्ध अपनी हैवानियत साबित करने जब इंसानों की भीड़ में पहुँचे, एक स्वर में बोले- "हम दोनों ही अपनी हार स्वीकार करते हैं।…

The Wire – Your article on ‘Uri’ Movie is SICK and it’s time for us to retaliate

We retaliated. And we're proud of our Army's nationalism and that's our nationalism too.

The gruesome triple murder of police personnel in Kashmir and this “threesome” is responsible

They're weakening our national integrity by backstabbing our arm forces and govt.

Really NDTV is this news?

It is necessary to remind Nidhi Razdan about history of NDTV's making news of nothing, sympatise with terrorist  and hide facts to spread propaganda.