
दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया- संबंध और संघर्ष

अमेरिका का बढ़ता प्रभाव दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के लिए, और ख़ास कर भारत के भविष्य को ले के अच्छा है?

The feeble right ecosystem and the Hindu faith

A feeble ecosystem of the Right would only disappoint and discourage the voluntary people who have chosen to tread the right path with no…

भारत मे समुदायों के बीच क्यों बढ़ रहा है तनाव?

धर्म का अर्थ केवल हिन्दू,मुस्लिम नही है। संस्कृत में कहा गया है "धारयति इति धर्म:" जिसका अर्थ है 'धर्म वह है जिसे धारण किया…

How media and vested interest group destroyed our Army’s perfectly working, very effective Covert Intel Unit: Part-1

While this special unit's men were doing what they do best, diligently working, putting their own life at risks for the country, but all…

Nation wants to know why FIRs against Arnab Goswami

It is true that our Art.19 fundamental right to freedom of speech is not on the same pedestal as First Amendment in the US.…

Sir Jadeja and his sword

Neither Ravindra Jadeja’s identification to a caste, nor his Rajputana sword wave is an endorsement of casteism.

India’s left liberals, the perennial Muslim-appeasers, are once again up in arms against Arnab Goswami

His tough stand regarding the Tablighi Jamaat meet at Nizamuddin Markaz has therefore faced the ire of left-liberals and Islamists masqueraded as journalists alike.

Battle of the fringe

Every part of the ecosystem has its own fringe and It is easy to spot the “Battle of the Fringe” being played out around…

Agony of Heaven’s demolition in 1990

Since the revocation of Article 370, Kashmir as a part of the J&K Union Territory seems have to become the old peace-loving beautiful paradise…

Why our media, cops and lawmakers don’t deserve to celebrate the Hyderabad Encounter

As a society we should take our police, media, lawmakers and judiciary to task instead of celebrating their failures.