Lord Ram

Why there is so much hatred against Shri Ram and Ramayana in the minds of Lutyens Leftist Liberal ecosystem

They don't hate Lord Ram per say, but they hate the idea that they will become powerless and a forgotten memory, if more and…

Ayodhya dispute: A farce created by left historians

The present controversy over Ram Mandir wants to white wash history with an Islamic brush post independence.

Rediscovering Sita

Sita is synonyms with Shakti and encapsulates all the major traits of Shakti

क्यों ना हम पहले आपने अन्दर के रावण को मारें

अगर हमें रावण का सच में नाश करना है तो हमें उसे ही जलाना होगा उसके प्रतीक को नहीं। वो रावण जो हमारे ही…