Liberals’ Sympathy with terrorists

terrorism has a religion called Islam

Dedicating a poem to our brave martyrs: Nothing can take a LIFE out of Indian Army

हैवानियत की रेस: इंसानों की बेशर्मी देख गिद्ध भी लज्जित हुए

दो गिद्ध अपनी हैवानियत साबित करने जब इंसानों की भीड़ में पहुँचे, एक स्वर में बोले- "हम दोनों ही अपनी हार स्वीकार करते हैं।…

How can those who didn’t question Padmavat, now question Uri?

How can embracing valour and sacrifice of soldiers be a toxic? Isn't supporting ‘break India’ brigade venomous?

The Wire calls Nationalism as toxic and suspects Uri attack

Don'e expect any better journalism from them, the news house is from the gang who asked for the proof of surgical strike!

Really NDTV is this news?

It is necessary to remind Nidhi Razdan about history of NDTV's making news of nothing, sympatise with terrorist  and hide facts to spread propaganda.

माँ हिन्दू को गाली देदे, मैं लिबरल बन जाऊंगा

माँ हिन्दू को गाली देदे, मैं लिबरल बन जाऊंगा. जे एन यू के गेट पे चढ कर अफजल अफजल गाऊंगा.

Forget tanks on campus, here is how patriotism can be instilled in youth

Just by installing a tank piece in the university premises or hoisting Indian flag can't make the youth patriotic.

Hindu Pilgrims & ancient holy Yatras- The new target of liberal intellectual mafias

Liberals' victim is the one who actually is a culprit.

Is Hindu a victim?

Hindus are certainly victim. Victim of their silent tolerance.

Sagarika at Hindu-shaming again

Hater and Hindu-baiter, Ms. Ghosh wrote "Is the Hindu a Victim?" and she answers herself - No.