Liberals’ sympathy with Muslims

Hindu Pilgrims & ancient holy Yatras- The new target of liberal intellectual mafias

Liberals' victim is the one who actually is a culprit.

Who cries when a Hindu dies?

The sentiments of Hindus are hurt knowingly in the name of freedom to express and freedom to eat.

Is Hindu a victim?

Hindus are certainly victim. Victim of their silent tolerance.

Sagarika at Hindu-shaming again

Hater and Hindu-baiter, Ms. Ghosh wrote "Is the Hindu a Victim?" and she answers herself - No.

Gopal Krishna Gandhi: What India must know about The Gandhi Grandson

Gopal Krishna Gandhi is the sympathizer of Terrorism and filed a mercy petition for Yakub Memon, a culprit of 1993 Mumbai attacks

Why I simply reject to respect Islam

I will surely respect Islam when I don't see all this extreme versions of it overshadowing the peaceful ones.

Do criminals from minority communities sometimes get away with lenient sentences for horrific crimes?

There is no truth in Muslims getting unfair deal from judiciary.