
Why do Communists hate India? A detailed analysis

Leftists' only agenda is to break India by their selective outrages.

Sagarika Ghose: Covered in her own filth

The tactics by now is familiar: spread lies and repeat it ad nauseam so it becomes accepted in human minds.

Do Prerna Bhardwaj’s wounds hurt less ?

Why is the media silent about Prerna Bharadwaj?

Left establishment and its cheerleaders in media trying to derail demonetisation

The media and the opposition are spreading lies and deceit and fanning the flames of anti-government sentiments.

When terrorists beg for sympathy?

Politicisation of terror

Anurag-Kjo : Classic Good cop Bad cop, or age old subtle Back Stabbing?

An intriguing game being played out

Malicious misinformation that the left propagates about Durga Puja

Challenging the narrative of the so-called left-liberals, who become active with their imaginations on the eve of Durga Puja.

Right Wing : Core, Outrage and People

Modi cannot be right all the time, not even Atal ji was. This is our job to criticize govt, and at the same time…