Left Wing

Interesting “Tandav” challenges the conventional entertainment in India

Tandav actually challenges the way conventional entertainment has been in India not only for years but for decades now. It's a good story if…

Intellectual Lynching, frustration and suffocation

Sushant would have wanted to create science fiction. What was he forced to do? Anti-Hindu propaganda. His #reality was diametrically opposite to what he…

गमला कट्टरवाद का!

यदि किसी अवधारणा में ज़्यादा अतिवादिता हैं तो क्या वोह उस धारणना की विफ़लता नहीं है? कम से कम संचार की विफ़लता तो मान…

Ideological scale of democratic India

Left of centre to right of centre?

Left is not about inclusive politics, here is one such example

Liberalism is not equivalent to the Left.

Separating fact from fiction on Gauri Lankesh

Gauri Lankesh was murdered yesterday in Bangalore

केजरीवाल के “कारनामे” बोल रहे हैं

केजरीवाल सरकार द्वारा दिल्ली की जनता से टैक्स के रूप में वसूली हुयी रकम से कन्हैया जैसे लोगों की पैरवी किये जाने पर केंद्र…

The game of one way Freedom to Dissent & the baking news

Can the liberal brigade guarantee that not one criminal caught was a son of Head Master, Daughter of Martyr, Son of a maid? Stupid…

Understanding the Political Ecosystem and how to create it

50+ years of Congress in power created an "ecosystem" where elements are doing their best to serve them even when out of power.