Left Liberals’ hypocrisy

Sanjiv Bhatt said he wanted to be tied on Army jeep in front of Arundhati. Here’s how Twitter reacted

Sanjiv Bhatt gets some befitting reactions on Twitter over his sympathetic stand on Kashmiri stone pelters.

Arundhati Roy, Paresh Rawal and India: My take on Arundhati Roy

Two Indians give their opinion on Kashmir: One is cheered and another is abused by liberals.

Will our academia be ever free of hypocrite liberals?

The seats of intellectual openness have become stifled where dissent is shouted down as saffronization and fascism by the left liberals.

कुंठित समाज के द्वारा किये जा रहे निजी हमले आपको झेलने पड़ेंगे मोदी जी

चूँकि आपने प्रखर रूप से मुस्लिम महिलाओँ के अधिकारों की बात उठायी है, आपको कुंठित समाज के द्वारा किये जा रहे निजी हमले झेलने…