Left Liberal intelligentsia

BBC Boss interview with Mahismati reporter on fake news article

Satire- An Interview with BBC Boss.

Urban Naxals an emerging breed of pseudo liberal society

The leftists are protesting that arresting the five activists is a form of curbing their dissent, but they fail to realise that charges of…

Is the unelected Indian Supreme Court acting as a government and destroying India?

Neither the Indian SC judges have earned respect to enhance people's faith in the judiciary, nor their judgements have been according to what India…

Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act wrongly interpreted and explained by a JNU professor

An another selective interpretation of an act by left liberal intelligentsia to malice the incumbent government!

Why are the Communists not hated as the Nazis?

Wherever it went, Communism created havoc, worsened lives, stomped down freedom, removed the dissenting opinions or ideas.

This is how Congress changed meaning of ideologies in Indian politics by their “gaslighting” political strategy

A peek into how Congress has used gaslighting techniques to flip ideologies around and misdirected us for years while they looted us blind.

Undeclared emergency | A liberal culture

In the coming days, the conservative right should be aware of the actual undeclared emergency on them that the monstrous North Korean Darbaaris are…

This is how an Adarsh liberal thinks

A satire on Indian liberals and their worth saluting liberalism.

Here is why these ten people are Hindu terrorists

These venom spreading social media vultures are as big threat to India's secularism as Modi.

Threat of illegal Bangladeshis to India’s national security and political stability

Yet another time, the facts and data have been put aside by the left-liberals to malign Indian Army and to ridicule its legitimate concerns…