kashmir unrest

How BJP rescued Kashmir

The minority and marginalized groups got justice and the creadit for all this revolution goes to BJP led centre government who made efforts to…

Indoctrination and the families of Jihadists in Kashmir

Nowadays, Islamic Militants are the new role models for the unemployed youth in Kashmir who are being made to believe that Muslims across the…

Kashmir: My two bits

Nehru never gave the Kashmiris a chance to express themselves through the franchise set up for them under article 370, though at all forums…

A new Kashmir: One year after abrogation of Article 370 and 35(A)

We are moving rapidly towards a better and beautiful heaven on earth. People of Kashmir need to be a little more patient and supportive…

Girija Tickoo murder: Kashmir’s forgotten tragedy

her dead body was found roadside in an extremely horrible condition, the post-mortem reported that she was brutally gang-raped, sodomized, horribly tortured and cut…

Inertial Kashmir: The land of wicked & perpetual betrayals!

if we are to zero in on one reason behind this perpetual alienation, it is the confused leadership which specialises in subterfuge, Kashmir has…

Abrogation of article 370

Abrogation of article 370 has generated many emotions, from celebration to anger, from euphoria to despondency, from pride to humiliation, it has seen a…

Sentiments: Only Kashmir sentiments matter and not rest of India’s?

Even if we agree that Kashmiri sentiments are not being listened to, we must acknowledge that even the sentiments of Kashmiri Pandits were not…

The bluffmaster

One particular trait that Modi government will be known in the future is Modi ji’s penchant to challenge the establishment by calling their bluff.

Decoding the Kashmir Valley

Kashmir is not a political problem, rather, it is a years old civilizational, existential problem.