Kashmir problem created by Nehru and Indira Gandhi

Three mistakes of Indira Gandhi’s Life

We can't afford to have an another Indira.

Weeding the Lawn

Kashmir is still witnessing brain drain. The state would continue to suffer and no body can help it except the Kashmiri Permanent Residents.

Who let the “Pigs” in

 The situation in Kashmir deteriorated only because militants were at the places where they shouldn't be. Who let them in?

Democratic Process in Kashmir – What the recent crackdown in the valley suggest

Before seeing Kashmir from media's lens, yourself just one question "Indian Goverment provides the maximum economic package to J&K state, where does this money…

The father of all frauds and the mother of all miseries

BJP did try to change the normal set by your party over the years by successfully quarantine terrorism to Kashmir, and did not let…

The Pulwama massacre is an integral problem of Kashmir Valley

Both Nehru and Indira Gandhi yearned to prove their peace credentials to world nations and left the country into insecurity and flames forever.