Kashmir issue

Inertial Kashmir: The land of wicked & perpetual betrayals!

if we are to zero in on one reason behind this perpetual alienation, it is the confused leadership which specialises in subterfuge, Kashmir has…

Abrogation of article 370

Abrogation of article 370 has generated many emotions, from celebration to anger, from euphoria to despondency, from pride to humiliation, it has seen a…

Sentiments: Only Kashmir sentiments matter and not rest of India’s?

Even if we agree that Kashmiri sentiments are not being listened to, we must acknowledge that even the sentiments of Kashmiri Pandits were not…

Elitism: Dawn of destruction

Why should we raise voice against any injustice when it is budding in the society? Does the sense of being an elite work as…

Cartoon: Free PoK

Yes, we need to liberate the Kashmir: Just that of the other side, i.e., POK

It’s not long before a Pakistani shows his true colours

Here is how even ordinary Pakistanis in professional walks of life aren’t politically knave or hands in mouth. They are pretty active and constantly…

Future of Indo-Pak Relation – A futuristic take

Burying our head in the sad doesn’t make us immune to the catastrophe sprinting toward us, does it?

Trails of democracy (Kashmir story)

From Kalhan’s Rajatarangini talking about Kings of Kashmir to the last ruling King of Dogra dynasty, Kashmir took a long path to democracy, yet…

Liberal blindspot: The Log Kya Kahenge syndrome of international media on Kashmir issue

International media’s interest and influence on Kashmir issue is overstated and is equivalent to “Log Kya Khaenge”.

वामियों का देशविरोधी होने का सुबूत

2014 के बाद आजतक यही पूछते आ रहे थे कि मोदी जी तीन तलाक कब हटा रहे हो? मोदी जी 370 कब हटा रहे…