Karan Johar

Online streaming platforms require content censorship

Its high time to regulate the unregulated, uncertified, sexually explicit, pornographic, vulgar, profane and legally restricted contents broadcasted on the online platforms including (but…

The atrocious portrayal of Indian Air Force in movie Gunjan Saxena points to a larger social malaise in Indian media

For the journalists and Bollywood, Indian men and Indian society are irredeemably sexist. Any women who has succeeded in her life could have no…

The inner workings of India’s nepotism debate

Why is that the suicide of an actor caused such an uproar among the masses? Are there any deeper social undercurrents to this?

Sorry Sushant! We killed you!

how Sushant suicide was driven by the institutions of Bollywood, actors, media, Bihar state, political parties and the common man, whose acts of omissions…

The double standards of Bollywood over Padmavati and freedom of speech

Bollywood's selective outrage on Padmavati, which was otherwise against the movie 'Buddha in a traffic jam'.

Are we as bad as Jihadis?

Entertainment industry (Anurag Kashyap, Aamir Khan, Shirish Kunder, etc) is on mission to save Indian secularism and culture, which RSS is otherwise killing, by…

Anurag-Kjo : Classic Good cop Bad cop, or age old subtle Back Stabbing?

An intriguing game being played out