Kamala Harris

School ‘Twitter’ before it’s too late

f the micro blogging site Twitter is not schooled now for its willful disobey and disregard to Indian sovereign laws, note it will be…

Short-sighted cheap politics, Mr. Joe Biden

The kind of statements that Joe Biden and Manmohan Sigh make, have potentials to taint not only democracy but also social harmony and national…

Why Trump lost elections

Here is why a nationalist businessman lost the recent election: Trump+Military vs. Deep State

The White House isn’t Don’s den, President Donald Trump

There is an urgent need of nationwide uniform election rules and regulations, the absence of which have been main reason of discontents in several…

Kamala Harris as Maa Durga opens up questions about her true identity

Hindu Americans are still not clear on what religion Kamala Harris or Meena Harris follow. Little do they know that neither Kamala Harris nor…

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: Don’t muddy waters in the land of Brahmaputra

Biden-Harris ticket has decried CAA saying essentially that it is discriminatory to Muslims because it excludes them from Indian citizenship.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and the spiral of propaganda

WSJ seems to be pushing the same Chinese propaganda to show the Modi-trump alliance in a bad light so that Biden whose ideologies align…