
Radical Islam and terrorism

Are terror killings acceptable? No, whatever be the cause. The second is the right to freedom of expression. A definite and loud yes. The…

The myth of moderate Muslim: 95% v 5%?

It is not the 1% which is defaming Islam but perhaps the 95% which is defaming the 5% for not falling in line with…

The fraud of ‘Islamophobia’

The most fraudulent term in today’s English language is “Islamophobia”. It is an absolute misnomer. Islamic and Left-Liberal groups, in their political correctness, use…

Certain traumas are beyond our imagination: Islamic practice of female genital mutilation is one of them!

In 2016, Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin came out in support of continuing Female Genital Mutilation within his community and upheld the practice as something…

93% Muslims view Hindus favourably, but only 65% Hindus view Muslims positively- writes ThePrint

The data above clearly shows how the growth rate of Muslim population is likely to be higher as compared to that of Hindus in…

I-mania: Islamophobia may be irrelevant hence, Islamomania is an apt one

Islamophobia is a mythical term coined by Islamists to jeopardise the sincere efforts of the sane world for combating the medieval and barbaric thoughts…

Appeal to the Head of States of OIC – Organisation of Islamic Cooperation for Reforms

It is time to prove to the world that Muslim majority countries can be as just and fair to all religions as any other…

How to stop Islamophobia

Muslims need to understand that good changes can only come from inside the community.

लाला लाजपत राय व आंबेडकर का वो डर हिन्दुओं के लिए इस्लाम को लेकर, देश को पुनः खंडित करने का आभास दिला रही है

ये चिंतन करने का विषय है कि आग कहीं न कहीं जलती रहती है इसीलिए इस देश के इतने टुकड़े करने के बाद भी…

Yes, I am Islamophobic!

Someday, I hope that a majority of my country see things the same way and has the courage to call a spade, a spade…