
Can knife attack?

'Allahu Akbar'(God is Great)! I know, we all know. But this isn't the true worship as it clearly seems. There are seemingly endless ways…

प्रथम भारतीय गणराज्य की विदाई की सांझ व आगे का मार्ग

बदलते घटनाक्रमों ने यह तो स्पष्ट कर ही दिया है कि इस्लामिक अराजकता आने वाले समय में केवल इस जंग खा चुकी गणतांत्रिक व्यवस्था…

Hindu Shahi Maharaja Jaipal and the Islamic Invasion

At a time when entire kingdoms and civilizations were falling like dominoes in front of the Islamic attack, our rulers including the Chalukyas, the…

Liberal secular democracy is the concept imposed by the European system and not meant for India: Here is why

Had it not been for the rise of BJP in the nineties, by now, a good portion of the country would have been Islamized…

जिन्ना चले गए पाकिस्तान, उनका जिन्न रह गया हिंदुस्तान

बड़े बड़े विश्वविद्यालय में मिल रही शिक्षा में हकीकत में राष्ट्रवाद की कमी है।

The need to stand up to religious demographic change

India is changing rapidly, and it's high time you take note of it.