Islamic Terrorism

The issue of Rohingyas Muslims and if India should accept more refugees

The topic has become hotly debated in Indian and international politics of late.

ISIS is nothing but Islam

The world has to accept that the terrorism HAS a religion.

The new world order- Is World War III a possibility?

World War III would be on the lines of religion only.

Who cries when a Hindu dies?

The sentiments of Hindus are hurt knowingly in the name of freedom to express and freedom to eat.

Sagarika at Hindu-shaming again

Hater and Hindu-baiter, Ms. Ghosh wrote "Is the Hindu a Victim?" and she answers herself - No.

It’s time to charge, time to change

Are we tolerant and peace-lovers or just coward?

Marx to Mohammad – saga of Indian communists

All thanks to Indian liberals and communists for cultivating Jihad-Naxal nexus.

The Kashmir struggle is all about establishing Islamic Caliphate and Sharia

Genesis of this “Kashmir issue” lies in Pakistan’s belief that erstwhile princely state of Jammu Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of India’s partition.

Islamic State: The terror machine

Has the time come when the entire world is ready to take on ISIS?

Flashpoint Kashmir: How and why an average Kashmiri is robbed of his dreams

Islamic terrorists are using Kashmiri school children as puppets for their evil game in Jammu & Kashmir