Islamic Barbarism

Mughals are NOT Indians

In this article we analyse whether Mughals were Indians or invaders who stayed because of the vast wealth and resources and also the power…

Dhritrashtra and Gandhari Hindus: A sneak peek at UPSC-bureaucratic jihad

UPSC website has a specimen copy of a test paper wherein a passage is beautifully crafted to whitewash the crimes of Islamic invaders, and…

Secular Islam: A myth

In Islam Faith on God, Social structure and Politics is inseparable , it is part of the holy book, Criminal Code of legal system…

“Will make you wear a brass Hijab”, AMU student threatens fellow Hindu classmate

This is not the first time that a Hindu student is threatened in AMU. Many such incidents have taken place against those students who…

Ten centuries of continuous religious persecution of Hindus: Brahmins at the center of target

The entire narration given above is sufficient to establish that Hindus were at the receiving end of the continued persecution carried out by Islamic…

A requiem for unsung victim: Bengali Hindus of Bangladesh

one of the most underreported cases of persistent ethnocide in the post-colonial period had certainly been with the Bengali Hindus of East Bengal. In…

I-mania: Islamophobia may be irrelevant hence, Islamomania is an apt one

Islamophobia is a mythical term coined by Islamists to jeopardise the sincere efforts of the sane world for combating the medieval and barbaric thoughts…

अंधविश्वास में हत्या क्यों?

गोपालगंज में मस्जिद को शक्तिशाली बनाने के लिए बच्चे की दी बलि, पुलिस प्रताड़ना के बाद हिन्दू परिवार को छोड़ना पड़ा गाँव…

How to stop Islamophobia

Muslims need to understand that good changes can only come from inside the community.

The rotten heads of Muslim society

The reason why Muslims live in groups today is because of the isolation of this society. Gradually, as they became isolated from society, they…