Indian left Liberals

Campaigning: A waste of exchequer?

Considering the geographical and political dimension of our country, it can be bluntly stated in black and white that we need campaigning at any…

Urban Naxals an emerging breed of pseudo liberal society

The leftists are protesting that arresting the five activists is a form of curbing their dissent, but they fail to realise that charges of…

Is the unelected Indian Supreme Court acting as a government and destroying India?

Neither the Indian SC judges have earned respect to enhance people's faith in the judiciary, nor their judgements have been according to what India…

Narendra Damodardas Modi-the man who brought down the citadel of corruption

The Corrupt are nervous and feeling the heat. The CONs have further sunk in a hole along with their appeasement politics. All was fine…

Why are the Communists not hated as the Nazis?

Wherever it went, Communism created havoc, worsened lives, stomped down freedom, removed the dissenting opinions or ideas.

This is how Congress changed meaning of ideologies in Indian politics by their “gaslighting” political strategy

A peek into how Congress has used gaslighting techniques to flip ideologies around and misdirected us for years while they looted us blind.

This is how an Adarsh liberal thinks

A satire on Indian liberals and their worth saluting liberalism.

Antics of Prashant Bhushan and Arundhati Roy, defamatory lies and support to criminals

Earlier 2002 culprits and now Naxalites: Prashant Bhushan's job remains anti-national.

Cutting through Jawahar Sircar’s recent bullshit about Gurupurnima

A befitting reply to the wire's 'Guru Purnima Has Its Roots in Buddhism and Jainism, Not Hinduism'

It’s our way or the highway – The ‘liberal’ scoop

conservatives openly admit to their ideology while this 'liberal ideology' has been nurtured for decades by political patronage and rewards.