Indian Culture

9 reasons why India is famous worldwide

India is certainly beyond spicy food and dirty streets.

Flawed democracy & why Pakistan is not Bharat’s biggest enemy

Our democracy is partially blind and has no way to distinguish between nationalism and rent seeking behaviour and this is where the society must…

What does the treatment of stalwarts tells us about BJP?

Since BJP is the only member based national party where power is not transferred within a single family, the process of transfer is more…

There is merit in Sabarimala agitation

Traditional ritualistic practices are specifically demarcated to men and women. In each case, exclusion is not treated as discrimination.

#MeToo from where to where

Have liberal feminists 'used' the sentiments of the traditional Indian women sentiments with #metoo?

The (True) Idea of India

India is more than what the Leftists would have you believe.

Mahabharata: The idea called India

Time to rediscover one's roots and re-position the shared identity with the sub-continent at the centre.

Is the Chhath only for Biharis? No, it’s for YOU

Chhat rituals are powerful for naturally healing the body, mind and the soul. Find out how.

पटाखें सिर्फ दिवाली पर ही प्रदूषण क्यों फैलाते हैं?

पटाखे सिर्फ दीपावली जैसे त्योहारों पर ही प्रदूषण क्यों फैलाते हैं? क्रिसमस या अंग्रेजी नए साल के मौके पर जलाये जाने वाले पटाखें क्या…

The disappearing innocence of food in India and what you can do about it

India, the country known for 'Satvik' food, has now ranked 1st in underweight population and 5th in obesity.