Indian army

Remembering the battle of Rezang La of 1962

The Battle of Rezang La was fought on a Sunday, November 18, 1962.

Anurag-Kjo : Classic Good cop Bad cop, or age old subtle Back Stabbing?

An intriguing game being played out

Jai Jawan – my note of thanks to the Indian Army

Away from politics and drama over surgical strikes, I wish to thank my armed forces for protecting me.

Please stop playing politics over the Army, India may not survive this!

For a few votes, India’s politicians are destroying their army’s reputation. Please stop this nonsense.

Dear AAPtards, please understand that Kejriwal’s antics over surgical strikes are stupid

An attempt to make supporters of Arvind Kejriwal see some sense over his nonsensical demands for proof of surgical strikes.

India’s Surgical Strike – calling Pakistan’s nuclear bluff

Any future terror attacks on the country will invite retribution that will impose high costs on Pakistan.

How Defense Ministry is trying to save on the salary expenses to spend on modernization

Defence Minister's objective is to reduce the salary bill of the Ministry and utilize the savings for modernization of the forces.

How much do we know about fundamental rights of armed forces?

There is no rule prohibiting armed forces personnel from expressing their personal political views on social media individually.

An Open Letter to an Indian Soldier

I don't want to debate nationalism, I just want to say a heartfelt 'thank you' to you.

Naam, Namak, Nishan – they do not come from JNU

He is was an alumnus of National Defence Academy - get that right !!