Indian Army in Kashmir

terrorism has a religion called Islam

Dedicating a poem to our brave martyrs: Nothing can take a LIFE out of Indian Army

Ex-soldiers’ role in de-radicalization of Kashmir

The Modi government has shown the political will and therefore, there is no reason for Kashmir issue to linger on beyond next five years.

The Aurangzeb we all need

Aurangzeb and his family have set examples for all of us

The Rashtriya in our Rifles

A note on Rashtriya Rifles and counter terrorism units of our Army.

Revolution for Kashmir

The Army will continue to kill the enemies of the state, but the question occurs: what we need to do to stop militancy from…

कश्मीर में शान्ति बहाली ही शहीदों को सच्ची श्रधांजलि होगी

जिस दिन कश्मीर की वादियाँ फिर से केसर की खेती से लहलहाते हुए खेतों से खिलखिलाएँगी, उस दिन कारगिल शहीदों को हमारे देश की…

It’s time to charge, time to change

Are we tolerant and peace-lovers or just coward?

Politicising the Army: An effort to attract liberal voters?

It all started when the opposition realized that there's no coming back to power!

Independent Kashmir: A fantasy created by the local politicians

It’s high time that the common Kashmiris experience a paradigm shift and focus on improving their life through education and joining the mainstream of…