
Indian education system: Then, now and how

Even today, a huge part of India's population still resides in rural India. However, there is hardly any attention being paid to the education…

गमला कट्टरवाद का!

यदि किसी अवधारणा में ज़्यादा अतिवादिता हैं तो क्या वोह उस धारणना की विफ़लता नहीं है? कम से कम संचार की विफ़लता तो मान…

India, ISRO and it’s growing scientific power

At the doorstep of 2020, India's space program stands strong with all its might & excellence.

Constitutionality of Citizenship Amendment Act 2019

In a politically sensitive democracy like India it is important that people, without any legal awareness about the Act, simply do not exaggerate the…

Need help identifying the Brown Sepoys in the Right? Use these pointers as Litmus Test

The Indian Right movement has been centrally based on the common goal of a Cultural Renaissance that will undo centuries of mental slavery imposed…

Future of Indo-Pak Relation – A futuristic take

Burying our head in the sad doesn’t make us immune to the catastrophe sprinting toward us, does it?

The apathy of being “secular”

The phrase,” sovereign democratic republic" from our preamble was changed to,” sovereign, socialist secular democratic republic”.

D Diwali of Indiana Zones

Diwali is not a festival for Indianas. It is an emotion. An emotion which binds one of the most complex zones of this world.

The metro-centric democracy

We need to move out of the metro cities not only physically but also psychologically. Let us not remain the “Metro-centric” democracy even in…

9 reasons why India is famous worldwide

India is certainly beyond spicy food and dirty streets.