India Pakistan Relation

Referendum in Kashmir: Choice of Pakistan and China

In 1947, when Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir signed the Instrument of Accession, he stated that after the war is over and Jammu and…

The making of the Hindu homeland

Hindus were the main sufferers of partition they were robbed of their dignity in Pakistan and in their home "India" as they were ousted…

Why peaceful borders with India pose a threat to Pakistan’s sovereignty

Although a religion may have some influence on the culture of the society as a whole but it can never disassociate an individual from…

Informal Indo-Pakistan rivalry: Is South Asian University going into shoes of SAARC?

The allegations made by Pakistan are nothing, but another desperate attempt to gain some limelight in media and defame SAU and government of India.

Future of Indo-Pak Relation – A futuristic take

Burying our head in the sad doesn’t make us immune to the catastrophe sprinting toward us, does it?

Imran Khan explained precisely why Islamophobia is necessary in 21st century

A person like Imran Khan, who comes from an affluent family, is a Pakistani elite from whichever standard you look, says he would have…

Why Pakistan is screaming nuclear weapons against India

Pakistan is now worried, as why India is not taking it's nuclear deterrence seriously. Jihadist Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan accepted that Pakistan…

What India gained with Modi’s recent visit to the USA

The U.S. visit of Mr Modi was quite a successful one in every aspect, leaving behind one which was the delay in trade deal…

Priyanka Chopra vs Mehwish Hayat et al.

Failing at every stage, Pakistanis direct their attacks to Bollywod.

यौम-ए-आज़ादी पर इमरान ख़ाँँ

एक बार नरेन्द्रा मोदी और इमरान ख़ान के स्वतंत्रता दिवस के भाषण को सुने, और अपने भाग्य पर इतराएं कि आपके प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी…