India Pakistan Political relation

Pakistan’s support for terrorist activities inside India

This article delves into the patterns of Pakistan's patronage of terrorism and the implications it holds for regional security and stability.

Pak FM under huge pressure back offs from his “India’s Internal matters” remark

There are also strong rumors that Pakistan is trying too hard to settle all the issue with India including Kashmir issue because of its…

Pakistan: Is it all coming to a head now?

The path on which Pakistan is hurtling down could have devastating consequences for the country and its people – unless there is a genuine…

Dismemberment of Pakistan: Implications for India

Brinkmanship that the Pakistan PM displayed on the podium of UN general assembly, reflects his utter disdain for the UN charter.

Howdy Modi: Advantage India

India emerges as natural partner to USA owing to its size, location, market potential and the strides it has made in all fields including…

Policy paralysis- Pakistan foreign policy

Indian nationalism is unique because Indian nationalists include Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Jews and other tribes fighting brainwashed people of their own…

पाकिस्तान और उसकी बीमारी

पाकिस्तान में मई 2017 में छपी एक खबर के अनुसार वहाँ करीब 8 करोड़ लोग मानसिक तौर पर बीमार है। यह बात वहाँ की…

Pakistan Army mulls guerrilla warfare tactics to counter India, looses 2 SSG commandos

On the slippery economic slope that Pakistan is in right now, using these tactics serve well for it, as it can not afford to…

वैश्विक मंच पर मजबूती से उभरता भारत, अलग- थलग पड़ता पाक

कुलभूषण जाधव मामले में अंतरराष्ट्रीय न्यायालय के आईसीजे फैसला सुना रहा था तब पाकिस्तान को मुंह छिपाने की जगह नहीं मिल रही थी।

अगर चीन सहयोग करता और मसूद अज़हर पर आतंकवादी होने की वैश्विक मोहर लग ही जाती तो क्या हासिल होता?

2008 में हाफ़िज़ सईद को संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने "वैश्विक आतंकवादी" घोषित कर दिया, इंटरपोल ने भी "रेड कार्नर नोटिस" जारी कर दिया, 2009 में…