India lost war against China because of Nehru and his political blunders

Indo-China relations: Case for a change in India’s foreign policy

China has routinely acted against Indian interests whenever it has got a chance. And India has just tried to appease China by giving in…

India -Tibet border to India-China border to Present day: The history every Indian should know

Chinese aggression and occupation of Indian land continued with variable intensity till 2013. Change from 2014 was the resistance to the intrusion of China…

A Rashtriya Panchasheel for India

A country decimated by the murderous Mao designed man made famine and actively stuck in the Korean peninsula ruckus - a country with hardly…

पंडित नेहरू की गलतियां जिसे आज भी भुगत रहा हिन्दुस्तान

1962 की हार सेना की हार नहीं थी बल्कि राजनैतिक नेतृत्व की हार थी। राजनैतिक नेतृत्व में गलतियां की थी इसकी वजह से हुआ…