Independence of India

Republic saved Bharat but not democracy

An election is too small to make a country Independent. Governance for the public makes a country Independent and governance is respecting the rights…

India @ 75th year of Independence– My view

Prime Minister Modi, in his Independence Day speech emphatically assured the nation on his priorities towards making India into a developed country by the…

और जिम्मेदार लोग इतिहास कि इस समीक्षा से आसानी से बच के निकल गए।

हमें सुखदेव और राजगुरु को भी नहीं भूलना चाहिए जिन्होंने भगत सिंह के साथ ही हंसते हुए फांसी के फंदे को गले लगाया था…

Unpardonable crimes of Khan-grace, unknown Maniben & ungrateful country

Maniben Patel was Sardar's only daughter. When only 16 she switched to Khadi and worked in Gandhi Ashram!

Lets celebrate political leadership of 75 years

It is time for the nation to embrace both the thought process and pay due respect to all engaged in Nation’s development irrespective of…

Ancient names of Goa: Goa had a greatest history of Hinduism

In this section, we will be talking about the "ancient names of Goa", that were mentioned in some of the ancient texts as well…

Bawani Imli: An unsung saga of the supreme sacrifice

"Whoever takes the body from the tree will face the same fate"

Peaceful or aggressive pressure: What were the reasons behind India’s independence?

While most claim that it was the nonviolent movement propagated by Mahatma Gandhi that led to this success, I want to advocate for the…

The non-material rudiments of true independence

I would be prevaricating and thereby untruthful towards India in the event that I choose to participate in independence day celebrations knowing that I…

The illusion of independence

Nehru and his dynasty have treated India and Indians like private patrimony; secured Muslim vote bank through shameless favouritism; shackled Hindu aspirations to true…