Impact on Indian economy due to COVID-19 outbreak

भारत और विश्व कि अर्थव्यवस्था

आइये हम एक विश्लेषण करते हैं कि, हमारा निर्णय हमारे लिए, हमारे समाज के लिए और हमारे राष्ट्र के लिए कितना महत्वपूर्ण और लाभदायक…

Impact of Covid-19 on external sector of economy

External sector is not at the verge of any development at present nor in future unless required changes will be taken into consideration by…

After effects of Covid- 19 and vaccination

A virus so lethal that tried to break in and break us in every possible way, but we fought with it till the end…

Will we ever be the same again?

They say we’ll get through it all somehow. They say it’ll all be over someday. They say a few years down it will all…

The Covid 19 pandemic and China’s end game

This article seeks to look at circumstantial evidence, urges the world leaders to place the onus of full and impartial investigation on China, and…

Indian economic restoration: Four steps in the right direction

it will be a time consuming and tedious process, but a swift action today is the only way towards a brighter future tomorrow.

Opportunity to replace China

Indian government has already initiated various actions to attract investment from USA based companies, many European and Asian companies, those companies which are discovering…

Has the coronavirus given us a second chance at redemption?

A second chance at redemption, to ponder over our existence, how we have lived our lives, ways we have unleashed brutality on nature &…

भारत चीन सीमा विवाद और व्यापार घाटा

इस समय भारत के लिए एक सुनहरा अवसर है कि चीन से निकलने वाली कंपनियों का भारत में स्थापित करवाएं और वह सब सहूलियत…

Going global; staying local- A thought experiment, protecting success

We might need a new parameter, like metric system to define economic development and all the terms associated with it, which can be understood…