Is IMF fear of recession tenable?

U.S. economic outlook is healthy and it should continue to act as the main sustaining force for the global economy unless some failures in individual…

Positive and negative effects of foreign debt loans on Indian economy

Understanding the science of foreign debt loans

MSM Fake News Monitor: Indian Express on PM’s EAC

Fake News is morally wrong, agenda-driven, and worse a case of cheating against its paying-consumers. When the readers are seeking true coverage and information,…

Wish Nehru had acted to Churchill’s call

Nehru claimed Japan's capitalist model as a cannibalistic philosophy of governance and USSR's socialism as an utopian economy model. Today Japan is a much…

When “tolerant” NDTV could not tolerate IMF MD’s appreciation of Modi government’s policies

NDTV 'avoided' to show a lecture of IMF's MD, where she appreciated Modi government's fiscal and economic policies at LSRCC in 2015.