Human rights of Kashmiri Pundits

United Nations and its hypocrisy over Islamist terrorism

UN unveiled its hypocrisy over terrorism and its double standards addressing Islamist terrorism.

The Konspiracy called Kashmiriyat

Political correctness in name of Kashmiriyat of Indian govt so far has ruined Kashmir as an integral part of the country.

Two best solutions to Kashmir issue

Two Simple Solutions to adress Kashmir issue which Pakistan may not accept.

I am a Kashmiri Pandit and why I don’t want to go back to Kashmir now

I am saying this after yearning, praying and hoping for 30 years in forced exile that God will pave way for our return one…

The other side of “Kashmiriyat”

Kashmiri Pundits don't have homes, religion, or self-esteem or even human rights. They just have Indian Army.