
Narendra Modi, hope of the present generation

friendlier Governments which in the past have followed “khao aur khane do” attitude

That’s blasphemy in Islam Mr Yadav, did you do that on purpose?

Many inaccurate details regarding the painting were shared by Yogendra Yadav regarding the painting

It’s our way or the highway – The ‘liberal’ scoop

conservatives openly admit to their ideology while this 'liberal ideology' has been nurtured for decades by political patronage and rewards.

मैं हिंदू हूँ, मैं थक गई हूँ, और मैं क्रोधित हूँ

धर्म उन लोगों की रक्षा करता है जो इसे सुरक्षित करते हैं!

To the people of India – It is time to wake up

We are at a moment in history of this nation when we need to shake ourselves up from accepting mediocrity

Open Letter to Indian parents from a veteran soldier – your children are being brainwashed

Islamisation of our kids, Lessons in History, Mahmud Ghazni Vs Prithviraj Chauhan. Stop it.

Why being a Hindu is an integral part while being an Indian

What is my idea of India? Can I negate the fact that it is my religion that identifies me as an Indian? A curious…

Being Hindu, living in India, in 2018

It is time to inculcate pious, religious emotions

Battle of Koregaon : Lessons in unity (Marathi)

Marathi translation of 'Battle of Koregaon : Lessons in unity'