
The thoughts of VD Savarkar on Hinduism and Hindutva

For Savarkar Muslim and Christian cannot be Hindu and he provides a detailed argument for it.

Why Kapil Sibal’s definition of Hinduism is flawed

Mr. Sibal needs to understand that “Asli Hindus” aren’t willing to be drugged any further by anti-India left-liberal-media factions.

A tinge of Sharia in IPC: Sec.295(A) and our own Charlie Hebdo episode

Freedom of Expression rooted in tradition. The earliest recorded sources are the Vedas which contain many musings and questions with a view to seek…

Hinduism is not separate from secularism: Here is how

Is abusing Hinduism the definition of Indian secularism?

Why Yogi Adityanath and Hindu Rashtra/Nationalism are wrongly misinterpreted

Hindu Nationalism means a collective social and political thought of a sovereign country running on the principle of Ram Rajya i.e. a country where…

Appropriating Ambedkar: Challenges for Indian Right and Hinduism

Effort by RSS to appropriate Ambedkar has multiple challenges associated with it.

उ.प्र. का योगी आरोहण: मात्र एक घटना से परे, इसके बहुआयामी प्रभाव

मोदीजी से भी ज़्यादा विरोध योगी आदित्यनाथ जी के विरोध में मीडीया में सैलाब उठ रहा है। क्या परिणाम उतने ही रोचक होंगे?

From JNU to Ramjas: What we need to understand

Why Communists are moving hand in hand with Afghanistan in Indian universities, who were once at the loggerhead.

नवसंवत्सर एक नये सफर की शुरूआत

नव संवत्सर नववर्ष नवरात्रि नवभोर, समय है अपनी जड़ों को पोषित करने का समय है आगे बढ़ने का।

Attempts to de-link Hinduism with Indus Valley Civilization

India has never been more inclusive and more embracing than today.