Hinduism the oldest religion

What Hindus have to face daily

It is hard to overcome and stand your ground when people around you pose these challenges and look down on you. But, where there…

The cabal against Modi and Hindu India

in the name of secularism and minority rights, equal rights and practices are denied to Hindus especially in the areas of welfare, education and…

The dangerous emerging trend: A time to rediscover our Indic identity

The only way we can achieve the glory of our heritage status is through the rediscovering and restoration of our religious believes, culture, ethics,…

Whither Indian democracy?

The only way we can achieve the glory of our heritage status is through the rediscovering and restoration of our religious believes, culture, ethics,…

Who says only Hinduism is divided?

One of the major accusations falsely used by Evangelists to convert the vulnerable is that Hindu religion is divided by caste hierarchy.

Mystery of life & immortal soul

How life emerged and is it coming even in the absence of sperm is a matter which we may ponder over. Similarly, very less…

What is Hindu advocacy and activism

It is time we stand up and defend pro-Hindu causes and policies. It’s time we stand up and speak for those Hindus who won’t…

संसार की सबसे प्राचीन परिक्रमा ६०० वर्षों बाद पुन: प्रारम्भ

प्रतिवर्ष यह पावन वार्षिक परिक्रमा कार्तिक माह की देवोत्थान एकादशी से प्रारम्भ हो कर कार्तिक पूर्णिमा तक पांच दिनों की होती है। इस वर्ष…

Making Hindutva a global ideology

Hindutva is an ethnic, cultural, and political identity which has assumed its current form as a result of thousands of years of evolutionary growth.

हिन्दूओ के दुर्गति का असली कारण

आज हम पूरे विश्व में चाहे वो बांग्लादेश हो या पाकिस्तान कश्मीर हो या बंगाल/केरल हिन्दूओ को नरसंहार किया जा रहा हैं हमारे मंदिर…