Hindu Muslim

Muslims in Leicester attempts at face-saving, but the wolf emerges from the sheep skin

Pakistani-origin Muslims in Birmingham threatening Hindus with attacks in the future while perpetuating the false narrative that Hindutva

उन्होंने इतिहास से कुछ नहीं सिखा, जो भाइचारे की बात करते हैं

हमारे शस्त्रों में ये स्पष्ट रूप से कहा गया है कि "धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः" अर्थात तुम धर्म की रक्षा करो, धर्म तुम्हारी रक्षा करेगा।…

A detailed analysis of the controversial Tanishq Advert

Lets hope all hostility settles down and Tanishq realizes advertising is not a joke. The world is run and manipulated by this industry. It…

Ram Mandir: Why it’s not a Hindu-Muslim but Indians vs Invaders issue

Ram Mandir is an issue which has surrounded a billion strong nation from 30-years and has led to multiple Hindu-Muslim riots leaving hundreds of…

Ten centuries of continuous religious persecution of Hindus: Brahmins at the center of target

The entire narration given above is sufficient to establish that Hindus were at the receiving end of the continued persecution carried out by Islamic…

एक मुसलमान जो कर्म से हिन्दू था

भले ही इतिहासकार कट्टरपंथी आक्रान्ताओं को भारतवर्ष का नायक बना दें लेकिन इतिहास सदैव नहीं छुपाया जा सकता। इतिहास मुग़लों की क्रूरता का बखान…

The pusillanimous policy adopted by Gandhi-Nehru during Independence is unraveling now

If only, Mahatama Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru would have read and understood Indian scriptures more accurately, perhaps India would not have been facing…

Gandhi and Godse

Gandhi in spite of many wrong doings  will be called a torch bearer of freedom, in the same way Godse's contribution as a freedom…

Better not to mix politics with religion

Mixing politics with religion is vote-bank politics; this could have dangerous repercussions.

Owaisi, mastering the art of strategically dividing India

Owaisi Brothers of AIMIM, mastering the art to divide India on communal ground by hate and fear mongering among Muslims in India