Hindu Culture

Movie that an Adarsh Liberal would hate: Paithrukam

An excellent Malayalam movie Paithrukam would make the left-liberals squirm uncomfortably in their seats.

India’s ‘Self-celebrated Intellectuals’: The Lutyens

Liberals' only job is to criticize anything and everything that is related to Indian culture.

Identity in crisis

Human race has always felt identity crisis when living in pluralistic society. How right it would be, to connect it with religion?

The thoughts of VD Savarkar on Hinduism and Hindutva

For Savarkar Muslim and Christian cannot be Hindu and he provides a detailed argument for it.

Find out what this Anti-Hindu Ecosystem is about, and how we can fight back

Hypocrisy is the rule in this ecosystem. Read more to understand the issues and the way forward.

Hindu Astrology: The forgotten science

Against the popular belief of superstitious, Astrology is based on mathematical calculations, based on which planets are aligned and after which predictions made.

Food never offended anyone – Correcting the discourse on Brahmin vegetarianism

Clearing distortionary theories and unravelling the truth behind Brahmin vegetarianism.

Bahubali and Secularism

Is our secularism so fragile that "one" movie, which does not have "one-single-non-Hindu-culture" needs to be pointed out so?

हिंदी भाषा का बढ़ता अंग्रेजीकरण

हिंदी भाषा मे बढ़ते प्रदूषण के लिए मीडिया से ज्यादा हम एक समाज के तौर जिम्मेदार है। न जाने कितनी बार हम हिंदी भाषा…

Structuring family as the fundamental unit of good governance

Recognizing a family as the key unit of governance can have a spectacular transformation in the domain of governance.