Government Jobs

The tyranny of numbers and the Sarkari dream

A generic umbrella of government career options that often do not require any core subject specialization are not enough to cater to increasingly complex…

Agnipath recruitment protest, fair or unfair?

Everyone wants a job, and a good salary, but no one will think about where the money will come from, if the government starts…

स्वरोजगार और समाज

जहाँ सरकार पूरी तरह प्रयासरत है, ऐसा प्रतीत होता है की समाज भी इसमे बराबर भगीदार है। परन्तु वास्तविक्ता इससे भिन्न है।

Reform the UPSC Civil Service Exam format

Civil Service which equips an individual to the highest authority, demands a complete revamp.