Global Terrorism

Terrorism will remain a serious threat and global issue

Terrorism aims to overthrow a legitimate government using violence to create a climate of fear and uncertainty. It is driven by political objectives despite…

Reflections on 20 years since 9/11 and the “Taliban to Afghanistan to Taliban (TAT)” outcome

This article is to reflect on 9/11 and how America’s total lack of exit policy meant handing back Afghanistan to the Taliban on a…

The saga of Terrorism, world politics and ‘left-liberal’ ecosystem

Kamal Hassan's recent statement on Nathuram Godse being the first terrorist of Independent India who was a Hindu, is a reflection of the mindset…

To get China to ban Masood Azhar at UN, Vietnam is the key

How can any self-respecting person peddle dastardly lies, and then strut about like a virile peacock and posture - and to top it, 'virtue…

The sparks stand neglected

The issues of communalism, criminalization of politics and other spheres of life, regionalism, poverty, hunger, homelessness and all the others need to be taken…

Are we staring another at Indo-China war?

War seems inevitable, even if India wants to remain neutral and doesn’t want, given the internal and external circumstances.