
The significance of liberty: Why it matters to society?

The significance of liberty cannot be overstated. It is critical to the protection of individual rights, the functioning of a democratic society, economic prosperity,…

What freedom is?

Why does a society feels that its progress lies in downfall of others. Why People and society feels that progress for another will hinder…

हमारा गांव

यूं गांव हमारा सुन्दर है, कुछ लोग यहाँ के बिगड़े है, जयचन्द उन्हें तो प्यारे हैं, आजाद-भगत मर जाते हैं।

जातीय जनगणना: हिंदुत्व समीकरण को तोड़ने की साज़िश

हमारी गिरावट और अंग्रेजों का उत्थान एक दुसरे के पूरक रहे क्योंकि जैसे जैसे हमारी सामाजिक व्यवस्थाओं से छेडछाड़ हुई और हमें तोड़ा गया…

India’s “flawed” democracy and the colonial legacy

It is time for India and Asia to recognize that Western criticism which may sometimes hold a mirror, can often be a legacy of…

Gandhi, a Mahatma?

As a matter of fact, Gandhi, who lived and studied in world's one of the costliest cities i.e. London, who made a mockery of…

हिन्द उवाच

है लहू मिला जिस मिट्टी में, बिस्मिल, अशफ़ाक़, भगतसिंह का। जिसको स्वेदों से सींचा है, गाँधी और लाल बहादुर ने।

This Durga Puja, Let ‘Her’ Voice Be Heard!

Here’s an article that talks about a new movement taking shape against India’s patriarchal, conservative society and defining the way we have been defining…

Ambedkar vs India’s Freedom

There is a deeper story to Ambedkar's journey than most know

The curious case of Count Dankula, and hate speech

Hate speech is free speech