Donald Trump

The White House isn’t Don’s den, President Donald Trump

There is an urgent need of nationwide uniform election rules and regulations, the absence of which have been main reason of discontents in several…

Why Biden presidency is an extension of Trump Foreign policy 2.0

It will be hard for Biden to undo the policy decisions of Trump administration ranging from the Middle East, China, India, Taiwan, Tibet &…

2020: A year of pain

Covid-19 changed the way this world lived and those changes are now permanent. It took lives, took businesses, brought worldwide unemployment, brought recession, ruined…

Philly to Delhi and Delhi to Philly: A train of thoughts between the two great democracies

"It is not Joe Biden or Donald Trump, but it is the Hunter Biden who has won the 2020 US elections.": Mainstream media and…

Joe Biden is not Trump, Joe Biden might be worse than Trump

A man who belongs to the elitist coterie that will use American taxpayers’ money to fuel terrorism in other countries and a woman who…

Kamala Harris as Maa Durga opens up questions about her true identity

Hindu Americans are still not clear on what religion Kamala Harris or Meena Harris follow. Little do they know that neither Kamala Harris nor…

The voter shall always have the last word-MSM & pollsters learn Their lessons

MSM and psephologists would do well to be humbled by this experience, lest they are rudely humbled, again and again, by the little man…

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: Don’t muddy waters in the land of Brahmaputra

Biden-Harris ticket has decried CAA saying essentially that it is discriminatory to Muslims because it excludes them from Indian citizenship.

Donald Trump: The man defying all odds

Donald Trump is running for a re-election and yet again the polls are not supporting the President. However, after defying all the odds in…

Expectations from upcoming India- US 2+2 dialogue

the latest 3rd round of India US 2+2 dialogue which is expected to be held on October 26-27 is of great significance and concrete…