distortion of history

Entertainment, history and a slow poison

If we continue in the same way we are going after five hundred years, some people will talk about the extinct, great Indian civilization…

Surendra Sai- The invincible Indian hero: Remembering him on his birth anniversary

The contribution of Sai and his associates in the freedom struggle is unmatched. But these brave sons of the soil are yet receive the…

The impact of distortion of history

After years of sterilisation of our history we as a Hindu community are ok with demonization of our religion, our culture and even our…

Two-bit historians and their displays of stellar ‘scholarship’

How can any self-respecting person peddle dastardly lies, and then strut about like a virile peacock and posture - and to top it, 'virtue…

Can medicine be Western in origin?

How our history has been distorted

Why I want Padmavati to be banned

Movies like Padmavati, is distortion of Indian History. It is a threat to our society, here is how.

Food never offended anyone – Correcting the discourse on Brahmin vegetarianism

Clearing distortionary theories and unravelling the truth behind Brahmin vegetarianism.